Had to stop at Walking Man Brewing for a black cherry stout, cuz Echo dragged me all the way around the Dog Mountain loop on Sunday; eight miles, 2900' elevation. Four inches or so of snow on the top, moderate winds of 20 -25 from the old lookout site and up, no rain, pretty darn good day to be out. But, given the wind, opted for a brew indoors at the brewpub, rather than at the trailhead.
Walking Man in Stevenson, WA
Train at the the Dog Mtn trailhead, I love trains.
Echo is ready for a day of hiking, looking good in this coat.
Heading into the snow, final push to the old lookout site
Shot at the lookout site.
Looking west from lookout site
Traverse across Dog Mtn. Bit more of a challenge with Echo. Trail was fairly icy, Echo was excited and pulling this way and that - but, able to keep my balance across the traverse.
Echo plowing through the snow.
Nice shot snow on the trees.
No booties on this beagle!!!
Hahahaha, these are great pictures, especially the one of you and Roddy at the lookout site! That coat on Echo is cracking me up too, looks so human, they are such high tech dogs. My dogs are just beach bums!!! Anyway, Dog Mountain's a great hike, but I've never hiked it in the snow, and I don't remember that brewery being there, that must be a welcome addition:)