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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Stumptown Cluster -- July 20 - 21, 2012

Well, after 2 NQ's of Friday, one each, in Rally Excellent and Rally Advanced, then an NQ on Saturday morning in Rally Excellent, and after all our friends, acquaintances and the crowds had gone home - we still had one more run Saturday, after lunch. We were entered in Beginner Novice A with only two other dogs. One of the dogs moved up, leaving just Echo and his best buddy in the whole world, Roddy, to run. Finally, Echo put together a qualifying run of 192 and won the blue ribbon, losing 3 points for a dreadfully slow sit in the figure eight (usually one of his stronger skills) and five more one point deductions for tight leashes, lagging, etc. Such as it is, Echo now has his Beginner Novice Title, but, we have a long, long way to go in building reliability and focus in the ring.

Blue Ribbon Photo