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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Paradise Park -- Aug 4, 2012

Great summer day for a hike on Mt Hood. Traveled from Timberline Lodge west to Zigzag Canyon and continued on up to Paradise Park, then retraced our steps back to Timberline Lodge. Something like 8 - 10 miles of hiking and 2800 feet elevation gain / loss.

Trail heading to Zigzag Canyon overlook, Paradise Park in background

Junction with Paradise Park Trail

Paradise Park

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Agility 101 Graduation : 06-Aug-2012

Well, Echo and I signed for, attended and completed Agility 101 - taught by by Amanda Gross of Absolutely Magic Dog Training here in Gresham. Must admit that Echo has a great time with the agility stuff, much more so than the Rally and Obedience practice that we do.

 Not sure if we would ever be successful at it, but, overall a very good experience for him. He has to work in close proximity to other dogs, in a horse barn. We even spent some time between runs working on attention and heeling in that darn horse barn environment.

Here is a short video clip that Lynne took on the last day of class - clearly some successes and some big challenges to work on. Overall, class was a good intro to agility.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Stumptown Cluster -- July 20 - 21, 2012

Well, after 2 NQ's of Friday, one each, in Rally Excellent and Rally Advanced, then an NQ on Saturday morning in Rally Excellent, and after all our friends, acquaintances and the crowds had gone home - we still had one more run Saturday, after lunch. We were entered in Beginner Novice A with only two other dogs. One of the dogs moved up, leaving just Echo and his best buddy in the whole world, Roddy, to run. Finally, Echo put together a qualifying run of 192 and won the blue ribbon, losing 3 points for a dreadfully slow sit in the figure eight (usually one of his stronger skills) and five more one point deductions for tight leashes, lagging, etc. Such as it is, Echo now has his Beginner Novice Title, but, we have a long, long way to go in building reliability and focus in the ring.

Blue Ribbon Photo

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Minam River Backpack - July 4 - 6, 2012

Beautiful weather on tap for the 4th of July weekend, so we loaded up the Beagles and headed out of town to escape the 'war zone' of fireworks blasting endlessly in the neighborhood. We made the big drive over to the Wallowa Mountains in the NE corner of Oregon, always a special trip. Traveled out I-84 to LaGrande, exited the freeway and headed for the little town of Cove and then made our way up a steep, gravel road to the Moss Springs Trailhead. Not exactly a high country hike, but the high country is still snowed in this time of year  - so this was a nice option - an area with very few visitors, dead quiet and beautiful scenery. From the trailhead, we made the downhill hike to Red's Horse Ranch, about eight miles, and set up camp just across the Minam River. 2nd day out we headed NE along the Minam and ended up spinning around after four or five miles of walking and returned to the previous nights camp. The Beagles just got too darn barky, they picked up a really strong scent of deer or elk or bear or something or another. Third day, we hiked back to the trailhead with just a few wild barking moments when a couple of horse pack groups passed by. All in all, a great escape from the working world and a chance to recalibrate the mind.

Great video that Lynne put together:

Moss Springs Trailhead

View just a short distance from the trailhead

Bridge across the Minam River

Squirrels, squirrels everywhere - might get whiplash

Meadow at Red's

Another shot of meadow at Red's

Trail along the Minam River

Mount Bachelor Kennel Club Show - June 30, 2012

Traveled over to central Oregon for the Mount Bachelor Kennel Club Show. Ended up sitting out on Friday, I just wasn't in the right mental state. Ran Echo in Rally Advanced B on Saturday and got a qualifying score of 88. Lost ten points on the very first station, a Halt - Sit, he got distracted - so I poked him in the hindquarters to get his attention back and we lost ten points. You are not supposed to touch your dog. All in all, an encouraging run and another step in our grand scheme to improve heeling and attention.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Puyallup Dog Show - June 9, 2012

Made the drive up to Puyallup for a nice dog show. What a great venue; indoors, on mats, large rings, in a building with only three rings away from the conformation.

Roddy had a great run in Rally Novice A and FINALLY got that Rally Novice title that has been so elusive.

Echo ran in Rally Advanced B, he did great - handler not so great. Ended up with score of 76 of 100, took an IP on two novice level stations. They involved 'call to front'. On novice 'call to fronts', you don't sit first. Yours truly asked Echo to sit first, then do the 'call to front'. Dog did great.

We also entered Beginner Novice and had a great 2nd place run, a scant 0.5 point out of first place, 194.5 of 200 points. Lost 2.5 on heeling and 2.0 on figure eight, we are having trouble with lagging, something to work on.

Beginner Novice Judge

Echo's First 2nd Place Finish

Scorecard, we are entry 1605

New Rally Novice Title for this team

Friday, June 22, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend - 2012

We traveled to Pendleton, OR for the Century Ride of Centuries (www.cyclependleton.com) on Memorial Day weekend. An escape from the hustle and bustle for three days of most excellent cycling : great routes, scenery, super low traffic, near perfect weather and wonderful fellow riders and event volunteers.

Friday Afternoon : Arrive in Pendleton and set up our tent at the Wildhorse Resort RV park. Checked in at Hamley's Slickfork Saloon and had a free beer. Then dinner at Hamley's Steakhouse.

Early morning, ready to ride!

Saturday : We rode the 74 mile route, out Despain Gulch to the town of Echo and then back to Wildhorse along the Umatilla River. Start and end at Wildhorse.

Time for snacks - Despain Gulch rest stop.

Sunday : Packed up our tent and things and loaded on the event trailer in the morning. Then rode our bikes up the long Cabbage Hill climb to Deadman's Pass. Continued on a bit beyond the rest stop, and turned around as we were running a bit behind. Made the big descent down Cabbage Hill and then turned east up along the Umatilla River to the Bar M Ranch where our camp gear was waiting. Ended up riding about sixty miles.

Happy rider

Up on Cabbage Hill...

Monday : Packed up the tent again and loaded on the trailer. Rode back down along the river, then turned north at Thorn Hollow and rode up into the wheat fields, thru the town of Adams and then back to Wildhorse.

Departing Bar M Ranch on Monday morning

Crested Thorn Hollow grade

Camp at the Bar M Ranch

Loaded up for gear in this trailer, the volunteers hauled everything back to Wildhorse

Lodge at Bar M, they served a great dinner and breakfast.

Rest stop at Spring Hollow, on the way to Adams

Friday, June 8, 2012

Echo Rocks Chintimini Dog Show in Albany, OR.

Well, maybe not rock, but he got two qualifying runs in Rally Advanced A - earning his title. After being 0h for three at the Rose City Classic in January, this was his big comeback. Friday evening we got a score of 84 (fourth in field of nine), and that was after pulling him back from the brink of all sniffiness, not once, not twice, but three times. Saturday, he pulled off a 95 (5th place in a large field), his best score ever - we lost three points for being 'out of control'. He did the high jump three times (was only supposed to jump once). He did the jump just like he was supposed to. Then, farther along in the course he saw the jump and he got so darn excited that he ran the across the ring and jumped again, but, he came right back and started heeling again (bless his heart) - and this happened twice!
Title Certificate

Friday Evening Scoreboard, we are R13

Saturday Scoreboard, again we are R13

Friday, May 4, 2012

Mosier Twin Tunnels Hike - March 9, 2012

Nice sunny day for a hike on the east side of the mountains.

a nice flat walk

Ready to get going.

happy Hound
east end of the tunnels

Looking east near the end of the trail

Grass Widows

dinner time

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Kicking Off Winter with a Hike

Great day for a hike up Dog Mountain and to kick off Winter.

Here is the Beagle Man

Bare trees

Dusting of snow at the top

I just know there is a squirrel out there somewhere...