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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Paradise Park -- Aug 4, 2012

Great summer day for a hike on Mt Hood. Traveled from Timberline Lodge west to Zigzag Canyon and continued on up to Paradise Park, then retraced our steps back to Timberline Lodge. Something like 8 - 10 miles of hiking and 2800 feet elevation gain / loss.

Trail heading to Zigzag Canyon overlook, Paradise Park in background

Junction with Paradise Park Trail

Paradise Park

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Agility 101 Graduation : 06-Aug-2012

Well, Echo and I signed for, attended and completed Agility 101 - taught by by Amanda Gross of Absolutely Magic Dog Training here in Gresham. Must admit that Echo has a great time with the agility stuff, much more so than the Rally and Obedience practice that we do.

 Not sure if we would ever be successful at it, but, overall a very good experience for him. He has to work in close proximity to other dogs, in a horse barn. We even spent some time between runs working on attention and heeling in that darn horse barn environment.

Here is a short video clip that Lynne took on the last day of class - clearly some successes and some big challenges to work on. Overall, class was a good intro to agility.